Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Observation At The Medical Center

This morning I had an appointment at the medical lab, I entered and followed the directions on the ticket vending machine. I obediently grabbed my number and took a seat. After a few minutes my number was called by a receptionist, one of many calling numbers, she registered me and the printer spitted out a half of dozen labels. The receptionist handed them to me and proceeded to return to my seat. At that precise moment I noticed a small elderly woman also sitting in the waiting room. She seemed familiar but I couldn't place her. She was hunched over, very frail and almost completely bald. I sat there achingly wanting to remember, where have I seen her? I asked myself.

She suddenly got up from her seat, her number was called, the short measured steps and a constant smile caused me to remember  who she is. When she returned to her seat I drew near her and began a conversation. She was anxious and happy to talk to someone. Her speech was clear, she had enamored memories of the times she was called as a substitute teacher, many years ago, at one of my old schools. I remember her because no matter what grade level we called her for, she was always ready. I kept my curiosity on check regarding her age, because when I  first met her she was already retired. She shared with me how much she enjoyed teaching and how difficult it was for her to give it up. I could see the twinkle of a tear on a tired face full of pleasant memories. My number was called. I stood up we wished each other good heath, good luck and I went behind the door to keep my appointment.