Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teachers are non-essential in Wisconsin

The republican party in Wisconsin, governor and legislators, do not see teachers as essential employees.  Other state employees; prison guards, police, firemen escape this censure. Not those in the "noble profession". Builders of the future no! Child advocates, counselors, guardians of youth, no! Makers of men and women, keepers of the educational flame, no!
Teachers have become the scapegoats for every ill in America. The fat cats who are responsible for ruining the economy have faced no judge or jury. On the contrary, they are getting richer with bail-outs using public money.
Teachers on the other hand are easy targets; the majority are still women and too often the reproach for societies ills falls on these, the most vulnerable faces of public servants.
Teachers are also very familiar with bullies like Scott Walker, the governor. He got the monetary concessions he wanted from Wisconsin's teachers and now he is bullying them again, threatening to break-up the union...not all public employees unions only the teachers. This is unadulterated Union Busting!
California teachers beware study the events happening in the badger state, take them seriously, realize that now is the time to make ready, apply the necessary pressure on your union leaders and representatives. Don't allow bullies in elected office to destroy what has taken you years of sweat and tears to build!
We've dealt with bullies before. Let's prepare to deal with them again.