Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Javier: Dozing off, somnolence or just meditating.

Over the years we bought him maps, provided clear directions, sent him reminders and phone calls until we realized that information only confuses him. Regardless, we accept him the way he is-- he has no notion of time or space. He gets lost even with the navigation system guiding him. Javier is late to every appointment or event, but he will arrive. Tense and absent minded, he thinks he is on time. Soon he becomes bored, disquiet, starts fidgeting and will cease taking part in conversations... he has fallen asleep. After so many years of friendship, we are well aware, that's just the way he rolls.

Taking into account that I have known Javier since our college days and worked together for most of our professional lives,  I was well aware of his hyperactivity, short attention and inquisitive mind. Which along with his supportive and caring attitude made him a good candidate to be my compadre. I also sponsored him into the Old Men's Anglers Society.

As it turned out Javier has become an excellent partner for Jorge aka, el perico (the parrot) yes, the one who never stops talking! As soon as they both get into the back seat of the suburban, they initiate a volley of ideas and topics back and forth. El perico doing most of the talking until, predictably, Javier falls asleep. Nevertheless Jorge just keeps on talking to himself... That is the brilliance in pairing them up. One is bla, bla, bla... and the other one is Z z z z z... Due to the frequency of his naps he was christened, el dormido. (the sleeper) .
 With Bob, sleeping at the airport in Loreto, Baja California,  waiting for the flight home
 after fishing doradosNot even jet noise could keep him awake.
On the way to the Sierra Nevada, Javier as always catching his ZZ...
On a chilly spring morning in the Eastern Sierras above the town of Bishop, our newest apprentice was eager and enthusiastic. It was his first time attempting the fine art of fresh water fishing. From the onset, we were very impressed with his fishing equipment. His designers fishing poles and reels, a tackle box splendidly stocked, with the latest assortment of baits and popular scents His fishing lines all very neatly arranged by size, color and weight. We complimented  him for his choice of fishing poles and brand name equipment. It wasn't until our second trip when he confessed that his son was the one who stocks his tackle and purchases his gear. Bob said, "I knew it! no wonder he wasn't familiar with the tackle; he had no idea on how to use it". Nowadays Javier is very comfortable fishing or sleeping on the side of a lake.

Here he is, wide awake  at one of his favorite streams, fighting a rainbow trout.

Persistence is one virtue that Javier possesses. No matter how much he sleeps, he does want to catch his limit of fish. He starts slowly each morning wiping the sleep from his eyes, setting up his fishing pole and casting out into the water. It may take him awhile but he'll go strong for a while after a few fish he becomes unfocused and begins to loose interest. Soon he'll set up his chair and... it's siesta time.

When he is out cold, no one can wake him up. When asked, "were you asleep again"?
 His standard answer always is,  "I was just meditating". Right!
 Javi is an important member of the team, he is Javier's son and the one
 responsible for taking care of his daddy out in the Sierras. He ensures that his
dad has all the equipment in working order. Helps him find good fishing spots

 and teaches him to bait the hooks and most importantly bring the fish in.
Up in the Sierras, there are no signals that tell us to quit for the day. Rather it's the rhythm of the winds on the trees, the quietness on the water and our bodies that inform us it's time to head down the mountain. As we carefully make our way down the winding roads, el perico is yammering at full speed and volume "yakiry, yak ..." the one that got away, who caught the most and... "bla, bla, bla". The rest of the members have their earphones on, listening to their music.  Javier is in deep sleep. A few minutes later, I sensed a quietness in the suburban, when I looked back this is what I found.

Meditating or sleeping? Not even el perico's  unreserved loquacity could keep Javier awake. 
El Perico, on the other hand, takes time out, from his prolonged communication skills, 
to join Javier in a snooze.

At the end of the day, Javier and Javi  proudly show of their stringers, now they are of to the
cleaning station.
On the way down the mountain, it became clear to me that somnolence is contagious, el perico and el dormido are both dreaming of the one that got away. Yours truly continued, carefully, driving down the winding road. We pulled into a wonderful Italian restaurant. Ill have a glass of Merlot...tomorrow we'll attempt the walker river, while my friends continue with their siestas.