Friday, February 20, 2009

Journey Nogales to Ciudad Obregon

My compadre Javier and I, planned a car trip trough Mexico ending up in Tlacotalpan, a small town with the distinction of having been added to the list of World Heritage Sites to Humanity by UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Whether this distinction is warranted is for another discussion. We went there to take part in "El Encuentro de Jaraneros" a gathering of musicians and singers who specialize in music unique to southern Veracruz
Before embarking on our trek we insured that our suburban was in top condition from inspecting all of the usual parts, tires fluids hoses, belts, tools and taken extra parts such as a timing belt and radiator hoses. With all the required car documentation in had along with our passports, we headed straight to Nogales Arizona. Sin hrs later we stopped at the Mexican immigration office as we parked, we noticed an immigration official running towards us, immediately we thought here we go we parked in the wrong spot. To our pleasant suprised he opened the door and said"bienvenidos amigos" and walked us to the office where we found two other officers at the counter eagerly waiting for us they attended us promptly and curteously and with respect, for minute I thought they were going to offer us a cup of coffee. They even suggested that we avoid the money exchange offices along the street to go instead to the bank where the rate is better and its safer. we also purchase Mexican car insurance before leaving "Nogales", don't go further with out. we drove from the parking lot and a the exit we encountered the light button if the light come out red your car and baggage will be searched, if it's green you drive through, we got green, the official at the gated said "que tengan buen viaje amigos" and off we went.A short time later Javies said watch out for the "topes" traffic control bumps which alert you to slow down because you are coming up on a village or town also to watch out for pedestrians. As we look around Javier exclaimed look we are in "Caborca" this is our friend Anita's home town. The town was named after "La Concepcion de Nuestra Senora de Caborca", it is also know as "heroica Caborca" because it repelled some American land grabbers in 1875.
We continued our drive down pacific cost highway (mex.15) encountering the typical north west terrain hot dry and dusty sparsed vegetation with a few cactus and two wheeled roadrunners who seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere, suddenly we came up on another set of topes this time my co-pilot informed me that we are in "Suaqui Grande" l slowed down to orient myself yes I said I herd of this place my wife told me that as child she came here with her mother to visit her great grandfather a valiant man and renauned Indian fighter of the west.
Before we knew it we had left all the little towns behind and we were face to face with the most notorious adversaries in the Mexican roads the "casetas de cobro" get ready with your "cuota" fees it will range depending on where you are from 30 pesos to 200 pesos in our trip we spent more on toll roads that gasoline they are frequent and expansive but I would not recommend the free roads. As we pass the time complaining about the roads we arrive in the city of Hermosillo the capital of Sonora wishing not spend too much time here we headed straight for the historic part of town, our "modus operandi" when we want to pass through . The architecture is colonial the cathedral is named Catedral de la Asuncion, the main plaza was rather dull with harty plants and we were back in Mex.15 heading to Guaymas, a coastal village which I had visited many, many years ago I was anxious to relax by the sea with a few fish tacos and cold cervezitas ad after driving 13hrs. We could stay the for the night I deserve no less. My co-pilot also thought it was an excellent idea. It was late in the afternoon now as we reached the "bienvenidos ha Guaymas" arch in the highway, but where is the town? where is the sea? Javier answers "yo no se". All we could see was thousands of homes and condominiums on the hills, miles of cars driving up and down the avenues, tall building, business offices, car dealerships traffic lights in every corner, What happened to Guaymas? Javier said I guess it grew up. Well we headed to the "centro historico" it was under repairs, we found the sea full of commercial fishing boats we couldn't find fish tacos so we settled for "tacos al pastor" and a squirt, needless to say we were a little disappointed. As I was eating my tacos Javier was chatting with the local people who told him that "Ciudad Obregon" was just two hrs. away so we decided to go there to rest for the night instead. Two hour later we could see the city lights in the distance as we came closer we read the huge welcoming sign, prevalent in all cities and towns in Mexico, with huge artistic metal panels on either side depicting the city's logo a Yaqui deer "venado" dancer. This city is obviously proud of its' Yaqui Indian roots. We noticed that this is not your typical Mexican town, this is a modern city, relatively new with wide streets and boulevards , large hotels representing international chains, modern building, banks, corporations, fancy restaurants. We headed straight to the first hotel we saw a Qaulity Inn with all the amenities one is acustomed to as we checked in we heard the roaring of a crown coming from the ballroom so we went to see what the commotion was all about, we found that the boxing match between Antonio Margarito vs Sugar Shane Mosley for the world championship was being telecast on a 30ft. screen so we sat down to have the "cervezitas" we didn't have in Guaymas. Onece seated, I asked the boxing aficionado next to me "como va el pleito?" "muy mal" he replied, "le estan dando el la madre al pendejo de Margarito" "oh que lastima" I exclaimed. "Oh no eres Americano?" he asked "soy de Tijuana" I responded, not really, but knowing that Margarito is from that illustrious city of ill repute. Javier and I continued enjoying our "pacifico" brew in the company of many disappointed amigos who saw their champion go down in emberrasing defeat. On the other hand we were relaxing and happy that we covered lots of territory this long day. A good nights rest will help us gather our energy for tomorrow second leg of our trip.

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