Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visit to the Vet.

After listening to every ones' concern with Aki, I promised that I would look at her and to give her a visual examination, but before I could begin I heard a chorus, "just take her to the Vet" . This outburst forced me to prove my qualification in order to continue. I produced my old military ID card which identified me as a medic . After a thorough examination I agreed to take the dog to the vet.
Never having been to a Vet before, I wasn't prepared for my first visit. I walked in and I encountered a waiting room-full, of noble pet owners with worried looks and concern in their faces. Dogs and cats with expensive collars and hair cuts wrapped in blankets, quilts and sweaters. Some owners were very perturbed to the point of distress, a couple kids sobbing, others had birds one little boy has a good size snake.

After I took a seat with Aki laying next to me, an assistant provided me a set of forms to complete; requesting a full history of the "patient" and form of payment-cash or credit card. I completed the forms, returned them and waited to be called.
After perhaps fifteen minutes Aki was called by her name and my last name. I guess this would become the day of her official baptism. She was humanized she was called girl, "what do we have here... Oh a sick girl", "how do you feel girl?", "not well hu? you poor girl" The Vet was having a conversation with the dog and answering for the dog. He examined the her, took x-rays, diagnosis?... an ear infection, perhaps something was stuck in the ear. She would have to be anaesthetised so they could dig into the ear. I was asked to return in three hours and take her home.
When, I returned to the Vet, they seemed happy to see me, "Hi... she is awake and has been asking for you" yeah, right! " How would you like to pay for this? cash or card!". Card I answered, "that will be $369.00 please"; I guess spaying will have to be postponed for now. They gave me some antibiotic and ointment, ear wash and instructions to follow up. As I left I noticed that waiting room was still full of owner with their pets, I mean, "boys" and "girls".
If my grandchildren ask me about career advice I will happily suggest, be a Veterinarian.

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