Saturday, May 19, 2012

New dynamic fishing duo dominate @ Jenks lake

All living forms, above and below Jenks lake froze. And the fish trembled at their approach.
The new fishing duo, Robert and David.
Bob and his new fishing buddy David have certainly become a dynamic duo. They wasted no time in their first endeavor together. At the onset of their debut they proceed to read the environment; weather, wind and lake conditions. They settled themselves in the north-eastern part of the lake under the cover of shrubs and trees.  David quietly approaches the edge of the water. Bob had inculcated on his young apprentice on the proper method of walking around the edge of the lake, " fish have ears they  can hear and sense your approach..." he said. Well... it must be true because David caught the largest fish ever taken at Jenks, 8.5 pounds. His bait was prosciutto, on #16 hook and 4lb., green Shakespeare supreme line. He fought the fish to the edge of the lake and his mentor, Bob slid the net under it.
David was obviously very happy with his first catch of the day. After weighing it he blissfully  put his prize
 in the cooler filled with ice.

" I know exactly how I am going to prepare this, it will be a mouth watering delicacy ". 
 After a few hours in their original spot they moved over to a section of the small fishing pier and began to explore the water with jigs, flies, and power bait. Failing to get the desired results, they experimented by mixing different scents and colors of power bait. David was most successful mixing power bait with prosciutto. Bob uses his green and salmon mixture to complete his limit.
happy angler
The fearsome twosome were so successful that other anglers approached them asking for fishing tips. Bob sure seems to enjoy sharing his expertise.
 As the afternoon shadows begin to embrace the pier it's time to say adios. Until the old sage, Robert, extends us another invitation to fish his favorite places in California. He mentioned something about the high sierras.

the largest of the season

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Agua de Jamaica - Hibiscus Tea Cooler

Spring is a welcomed time of the year; all around us we are treated to new colors and aromas of vegetable, fruits and flowers. Amateur gardeners are busy with their organic gardens. My friend Bob, for example, is  busy refurbishing his vegetable garden beds, which he raised, with exotic varieties of tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and a wide assortment of  herbs and spices. This is his overture to an annual conception of exotic and delightful salsas picantes, or hot sauces. Spring is also the time of the year in which, in any given Sunday, in any given city, and in any given park in Mexico, you're sure find vendors of aguas frescas. After a stroll through the park, there is nothing more refreshing that a flavorful agua fresca. These inexpensive drinks are prepared with fresh fruits. The most popular choices are: limón, piña, sandía, orchata, tamarindo, jamaica and others. They are usually displayed in large glass barrel type jars, fraught with chunks of fruit and ice.
They are inexpensive in Mexico. But here, in any Mexican restaurant they are likely to be more expensive than our traditional brand name soft drinks. Recently, I paid $2.69 for a 12 once glass of agua de Jamaica, mostly filled with crushed ice, at a local restaurant.

Earlier this week, on a shopping trip to my local Mexican market, I noticed a huge pile of flor de jamaica,  or hibiscus flower. Considering that our weatherman forecasted a hot spring day, I took the opportunity to prepare my own hibiscus tea cooler. I purchase a 1/4 lb. for .39 cents. Upon my return home, I quickly started preparing agua de Jamaica, hibiscus tea cooler.  The following are the steps I took to make a delicious and refreshing agua de jamaica:

 Rinse the hibiscus flower and place it in a good size pot. Boil them for about 20 minutes. The result will be an aromatic dark crimson color tea. Strain the tea into your jar or container. Dilute it, fifty-fifty ratio and add sugar to taste.

Add ice, these are all the ingredients you will need. If you prefer to use sugar substitutes, I would recommend that each person sweeten their own individual drink.
Spring and summer are the best times of the year to enjoy a sweet, refreshing agua fresca. I suggest you try making it. The amount that I used yielded three gallons, enough to invite families and friends to carne asada on a warm week-end. Bob is sure bring ten to twelve jars of his salsas.
Agua de Jamaica has other beneficial effects. According to traditional healers in Mexico, because of its' diuretic properties, it helps lower blood pressure, relieves upset stomach and a source of vitamin C.
Now that spring and our warm weather are here, it's time for outdoor activities, enjoy them with chilled hibiscus tea.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Targeting rainbow trout @ Lake Gregory

Our friend Javier aka (el perdido) has been lost for months with real estate agents searching for the perfect vacation home in the San Bernardino mountains. This endeavor took him to the small community of Crestline and lake Gregory. Not far from the resort area of Arrowhead Lake where he finally procured his dream retirement compound. At his urging we headed into the small mountain village of Crestline to test the waters for the elusive  rainbow-trout. Our fishing party for the day's trip consisted of Javier, my son David, the old sage Bob and his son Bobby, who lives in this mountain community and volunteered to be our guide.
View @ 6:30 am above the clouds on rd. CA-138, San Bernardino Mountains

We headed east on freeway 210, exited on  waterman  ave. left turn towards the mountains on CA-18 to CA-138, continued on to Lake Dr.  took a left turn. Welcome to Crestline: Lake Gregory. We got to the lake in less than an hour from the 210 freeway exit. Bobby Jr had a wealth of information: geography, wind currents, deep and shallow areas, walking trail as well as hot spots.
From left David, Bobby Jr., Robert and Javier at the first spot to begin the day.
As always, the old sage with the first one of the day

After striking out on a couple of hots spots we made our way into deeper waters. As usual Bob, the old sage, was the first one to shout, "fish on". Jr. quickly ran for the net to helped his daddy bring-in the first one. David quickly followed bringing in a couple large ones. He couldn't contain his exuberance, "This are my first fish in many years!" he added with a big smile. David is a happy man. Being a chef, he quickly guided the conversation to the art of good food preparation and his culinary skills. And  volunteered to to prepare a sumptuous lunch with the morning's catch.
After a couple more trout and the mouthwatering, culinary conversation, Javier invited us to is compound. And placed his gourmet kitchen at Davids' disposal.
David calculating the weight of his first catch of the day.
A view from the kitchen where chef David prepared our  lunch.
Brimming with excitement and uninhibited style David searched for the knives, spices and other ingredients. In the meantime Javier guided the rest of us to a  small room adjacent to the kitchen and introduced us to a vast array of brews and world class libations. He proudly handed us our favorite choice. "This is where I plan to build my wine cellar"", he added. As he chaperoned us through his capacious mountain retreat and commodious family rooms. He asked us to share with him some monikers or names for the compound. "My wife is planning to have our priest baptize our home and we are searching for a suitable name". He added.
Javier and Mercedes' mountainous vacation compound @ Lake Arrowhead.
 After our wonderful lunch experience of  exquisite rainbow trout, it was evident that chef David had gone to great lengths to ensure a unique creation in offering a lake-to-table specialty. After a repose in Javier's beautiful home we returned to lake Gregory for the afternoon trout run. Again the novice angler, David hooked on a few large specimens until our coordinator for this trip, the old sage, called it quits. But not before Alice, Bobby Jr's mom, a long time resident of Crestline, treated us to a welcomed batch of excellent and tasty homemade cookies. Over all a very enjoyable and relaxing day of fishing with family and good friends.