It was not until 1941 that Congress got around to fixing a national date and decreed that Thanksgiving in each year will be the third Thursday in November. With this in mind about a week before my family began inquiring, "What's up with Thanksgiving,?" I began to consider the possibilities. After a short conference with Mercedes, CEO and her assistant, our daughter Sara, it was revealed. I was charged with arranging the dining room, kitchen preparation, inviting family and friends. Sara would bake rolls and prepare her delicious potato salad. David would make his scrumptious seafood ceviche. Manny offered to fry a succulent whole turkey. Paul would contribute his new dish
agua chile, shimp marinated in lemon with fiery hot green peppers. Mercedes made a smaller baked turkey, delicious stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy while Nico outdid himself preparing cranberry sauce, sweet yet tangy.
I had the easiest job of them all, move furniture around and after our invited guest had departed, I put everything back to the original spot.

Here is David occupied slicing seafood and fresh vegetables for his signature plate ceviche, oops... the turkey is on the way |

Much better, David's core philosophy is to manipulate super fresh natural ingredients like these heirloom tomatoes and transform the array of flavors into an appetizing experience.
Manny came prepared with his turkey fryer, stove and thermometer. He deep fried a 20 lb. turkey and two frying chickens. After insuring that the fowl were clean and completely dried, he injected them with his secret ingredients. After the oil reached the temperature of 400 degrees, he slowly lowered the turkey into the pot maintaining a constant temperature at 350 degrees and allowing 3.5 minutes per lb. cooking time. The family members took turns keeping an eye on the pot. From left to right my cousin Hector, my brother Ben and nephew Daniel. My friend Jo Miles informed me that there needs to be a constant watch until the turkey is done. She didn't mention anything about drinking a few libations around the fryer.

Checking the bird... not done yet.
Now its done! Yummy!!!

...There it is, done to a golden brown and Manny is all smiles,
pleased with the outcome.
Fryer also waiting to be served.
As the other dishes are ready, they are placed on the serving table:
spinach dip and cranberry sauce by Nico.
Gravy, cheesy mashed potatoes and stuffing, yum, yum, good!
Center-table piece made by Diego, our grandson, at school.
As the day wore on some of our early invited guest began to arrive, here are some of them:
Cousin Vicky and sister Christina
Grand niece Isabel , niece Maggie, sister Alicia, standing Mercedes
Manny and Angel
Tristian, Diego and Nico
Delmy, Maricela and Sara
As the day went on, more family and friends continued to arrive and I put away my camera in order to concentrate on what is important: being thankful for each other, for our friends, for our success, health, and happiness. Let us rejoice through out the year. We are here to appreciate them and each other.
A Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and to all a good night!
Good job.