Monday, November 24, 2014

Sophia: A name of Greek origin. Meaning: knowledge, wisdom

It was a warm autumn morning when my phone rang.  My compadre's name, Jorge, appeared on the phone screen. "Don't forget that we are meeting for lunch in Riverside," He reminded me. I told him that Javier and I were on our way and Bob was meeting us at the restaurant. We were meeting in Riverside, being that he has been living in Hemet for the better part of a year. This is because he and his wife have a new commission: babysitting their beautiful new granddaughter.

Hemet is a dusty little town in the San Jacinto Valley of  Riverside County. You know you have arrived when you come across numerous sun-drenched, heat stoked, brush and trees with occasional dry dusty creeks. You can conclude why I was incredulous to hear his claim that he has been living there for so long and only comes down to the city to inspect and pay the caretaker of his principal residence.

In the  forty or so years that I've known him, Jorge has never been away from his home for more than two weeks. He likes to be available to take care of his rental properties He is serious about his hobby of constantly maintaining and upgrading his real estate holdings. He enjoys, landscaping, painting and updating all of his rentals. He also enjoy purchasing tools and heavy construction equipment, " I like to be ready for any job that comes up and I don't like to rent machines or tools," he asserts . His friends have warmly named Jorge, a slum landlord.

Therefore, you can certainly understand my bewilderment when Jorge disappeared for months until we met for lunch at Simple Simon's restaurant in the heart of Riverside's historical center. "I am babysitting my beautiful new granddaughter, Sophia," he cheerfully declared.  His exuberance  was accompanied with a wide ear-to-ear smile. "I prepare her breakfast, lunch and dinner, bathe and change her.  Sometimes I let my wife help me. But I do most of the work". When he noticed the incredulous faces of his closest friends, he added, "Really, I'm even teaching her to crawl... by crawling on the floor with her, I'm also making her some flash cards of the numbers, vowels and colors. She is very intelligent!" Then he stated his  main goal, " I'm going to have her reading by her third birthday"!

Jorge recounted his experience since it had been some forty-five years since he fed a baby, "I'll be honest with you". He said, "There was some trepidation in my heart; I didn't think I 
would be up to the job. But I did it all by myself... I'm committed to it, Yea!" 
Here Jorge is happily and proudly posing for the camera with his grand-daughter. 
He told us that she is beginning to sound out the vowels as he showed us her pictures. 
Robert said , "She is beautiful, looks just like Gloria... her grandma". Javier and I were in 
complete agreement "Que bueno que no se parece a mi",  Jorge added
"gracias a Dios". Bob murmured.
Sophia, the Goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology, leisurely crawling towards grandpa. 

As we were concluding our lunch and conversation, I discerned that Jorge's commitment and dedication are lovingly bound to a manda. A solemn vow by Gloria to God on behalf of their family, as is the custom in Mexican families.

Jorge's enthusiasm was evident in his speech; he was energetic, animated and, in fact, he seemed inspired. Sophia when grandpa teaches you to read, you can read what he said, 
" Sophia your grandma, and I love you with all our heart".

Well... after lunch as we departed and in unison, congratulated Jorge in his commitment. In spite of my rhetoric, we know who is the driving force on this endeavor; la jefa my comadre. Laurels to you Gloria!

Quotable quotes:

Grandparents: A grandchild's press agent. 
Grandparents: People who come to your house, spoil your children, and then go home.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Jorge will be pleased with this blog as most of the time he is not mentioned in a positive manner. Hail to Jorge and his new commitment.
