Sunday, April 30, 2017

"La Gran Dama" Segovia's Cathedral

We entered the cathedral through the north entrance, la puerta del perdon (the door of forgiveness) emerging onto the surface and vastness of the religious structure. Immediately, I was overwhelmed by the creative devotion of the spiritual art. While I am not a truly practicing Catholic, I will confess "La Gran Dama"( the great lady) obliged me to cross myself with holy water and take a seat, in order to appreciate the beauty all around me.
My eyes alighted on various statues, pictures, paintings, chapels and stained glass windows. Unconsciously, my camera began pointing and shooting. Whatever my eyes focused on my camera clicks. Eventually I detect a familiar voice,  "Are you going to photograph everything?", Mercedes asked. With a sense of fascination I replied, "Just a few more shots OK?" It was kind of difficult  to choose some representative pictures.

Virgen de la paz, Virgen of PeaCe, 
 The main altar, a neoclassical masterpiece, combines bronze and various marbles.

Capilla de Cristo del Consuelo,  The chapel of consolation.


Capilla de la Piedad, chapel of mercy.

The main weight of the huge cathedral structure is carried by the tall granite pillars
which line up in mathematical order along the isles. the openings at the top are excellent
for allowing light in through beautiful stain glass windows.

There are about 30 chapels depicting various saints, virgins, angels, events and mileposts of Catholicism: religious, biblical and historical.  They are artistically and aesthetically displayed. The cathedral demonstrates a sophisticated assembly of engineering with artists, sculptors, stone masons and craftsmen of the period. All laboriously engaged creating, decorating, adorning, beautifying in intricate detail for the glory of God. 

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