Monday, January 10, 2011

A good time was had by all

It started earlier this year. I first became aware of it when my neighborhood home repair center skipped the usual Thanksgiving decorations and jumped right into displays of faux-Christmas trees, fully assembled, decorated with lights and  pine-scented ornaments. I almost broke down and bought one, but my daughter and wife would have none of it, "We will get the real thing," they asserted. And as if I needed more clues of the season, stealthy department store bags and boxes began appearing neatly stored in the closets. The race was on.
I knew that the season was in full swing when my lovely wife left me a to-do-list: "Bring the ornaments down from the garage, Don't forget the lights". This was followed by, "buy wrapping paper, tape and pretty bags and ribbons. Think of a menu for Christmas day." Great! I pulled out a few food magazines that my chef son, Alex, keeps neatly stored in the garage. With pictures in hand I said, "We should have something traditional like a nice honey rubbed ham and deep fried turkey with all the trimmings".
But when I heard the song,"Navidad, navidad linda navidad..." I immediately knew that we would have a Mexican style Christmas dinner. Was I out-voted on the menu? I asked,  "Si y que,!" the women of my life exclaimed.
Niko's smiling face seems to reflect the warmth of the kitchen in contrast to a cold winter's day.
 A job well done, helping with the tasty mole ...
Bunuelos:a sweet Mexican desert a must for any happy occasion;
a tortilla like wafer deep fried sprinkled with sugar. Excellent with cafecito de olla or chocolate.

Tamales, a delicacy handed down from from our ancestors in old Mexico, 
the ones wrapped in banana tree leaves are from the area of Yucatan. Those wrapped in corn husks
are from the southern part of Mexico prepared for us by Sara and Niko

Mercedes prepared her favorite dish: Menudo blanco a tasteful delicacy in any language,
very popular with the Mexicanos during the colonial period in Mexico. The Mexicanos who cooked in the homes of  the Spaniards noticed that they only used prime cuts of meats for their meals; So... they would take the tripe and other less desirable parts of the animal for their families, mix them with local vegetables, herbs and condiments - the results - some very tasty stew. Now days menudo is well known as a cure for the dreaded hangover or any other affliction including hunger.

Tamales, menudo, mole, bunuelos are not just part of the Mexican cuisine. Each plate is a culinary representation of diverse regions of Mexico. Each region adds to the colorful and tasteful flavors of their Mexican culinary traditions.
For many us living in America, we tend to forget our ethnic traditions; folklore; foods, flavors, music. Fortunately for us, living in California, we always have them nearby.
Once dinner was ready, Mercedes with her magisterial voice issued a direct order, "Let assemble around the Christmas tree and find out who's  been bad or good" Niko whispered in my ear,  "I know I've been good abuelo, I'm getting so much good stuff ".

 Santa arranged the stockings neatly in ascending order, nice guy.
"Look what I got" Diego tells his dad.

Paul and son Chris were so busy consuming a second bowl of menudo.
Chris found it specially delectable so, he went for thirds. Mercedes was
very happy that they liked it so much.

Judging from all the bags around them, our son Manny, his wife Viv, their son Diego
were very good this year.
Our daughter and her son Niko were not only good but also were
responsible for purchasing and setting-up the tree.

Dear old Dad with grandsons, Niko and Diego

Mercedes, and son Alex visiting from Chicago
Sara who is just like her mother at giving imperatives and decrees directed me
to take a picture of the assembled.
Our sons David, Alex and Manny enjoying a brotherly moment after a
after dinner and conversation with family and friends
After a full day of merriment, cheers and food our family members slowly began giving and receiving warm hugs; words of love and thanks. Slowly making their way to their respective homes. After they left, I sat in my favorite couch reflecting on my good fortune. Thanks to my wife, the day was filled with warmth, love and happiness. I made myself a promise to love and hold them all dear always.


  1. Great Christmas story!! I was really glad to see that the whole family had a wonderful time. I was specially happy to see that David was part of the festivities. Compadre your writing is getting better and better. I think you should send this story to magazine. I am sure that they would want to publish a ethnic story for Christmas. Send it in July.
    Your Compadre,

  2. Thanks for your words of encouragement, unfortunately the the Yucaipa Satyr saw and I had lunch where he informed me that that he found it dreadful and dull. He even questioned you comments and credentials as well as your reading proficiency. "When I see him I'll tell him personally" he said. I don't know who peed in his cereal.

  3. What a wonderful time that was had! Thank you to you and your beautiful family for being so kind and welcoming, You all are just beautiful souls =)

    With Love,
