With the sun warming up the day, and the crowd growing rowdy with beer consumption. A wave of humanity moved slowly towards the shores of the river Papaloapan because for some sadistic enjoyment by the organizers of this event they bring the bulls
from the other side of the river, some 300 yard of water torture inflicted on the bulls. When they reach the shore they are exhausted! Note the head of the bull is under water above. But the torturing and cruelty to these farm animal by the collective humanity gathered here in Tlacotalpan is shameful and just getting started.This is no running of the bulls like in Pamplona, Spain. This is the chasing of frightened farm animals, the inflicting of pain and suffering ranging from pulling their tails, kicking them, jumping on them when they are so exhausted that they just drop to the ground foaming at the mouth and letting out shrills of pain.

Would you think this is a fighting bull? of course not, it is a frightened one, quivering and frozen in place, note the bruises on its' legs from kicks it received from the courageous drunks because he would not move.
This is one of those brave drunk bull runners who felt "macho" and jump on top of an exhausted animal. It couldn't stand because they ran him down all over the village till he dropped.
This is a polluted gathering of of drunks whose only purpose, with government approval, is to buy beer and unleash random acts of cruelty on these animals. The towns' government is guilty of malicious indifference and complicity in condoning the sick behavior and atrocities committed in their " heritage to humanity town?" Give me a break!

This bull top and right is not dead he is "dead tired". They ran him all over the town, hoards of people chased him and them others on horse back chased him some more until it dropped. The fools standing around it were disappointed because he couldn't get up, so the would kick him, note the blood on the floor. Its' mouth was foaming as it let out a frightening squeal, bellowing as if it was crying out for help.

This bull was tied down to a post, I asked one of the persons, "por que lo amarras? Why do you tie him down? he replied "porque no quiere correr mas" he doen't want to run anymore. I asked him"crees que esto es un gran deporte para Tlacotalpan, mira como esta sangrado," Do you think this is a great sporting event for Tlacotalpan? look how he is bleeding" he replied, " si no tegusta pues no vengas" If you don't like it don't come back.
Well, he had a good point, I don't like this type of cruelty to farm animals used to plow their lands. I don't like the abuse tolerated by the local government, the mayor of the town was speaking that same evening on what a great event they hosted annually and she said that not one hair of any bull was hurt. Here is the proof, she lied. And I for one, will never be back to spend my tourist dollars in the sick cruel town of Tlacotalpan. I repeat, this town is not worthy of being a world heritage site.
Stay tuned... for a real world heritage site El tajin
Would you think this is a fighting bull? of course not, it is a frightened one, quivering and frozen in place, note the bruises on its' legs from kicks it received from the courageous drunks because he would not move.
This is one of those brave drunk bull runners who felt "macho" and jump on top of an exhausted animal. It couldn't stand because they ran him down all over the village till he dropped.
This is a polluted gathering of of drunks whose only purpose, with government approval, is to buy beer and unleash random acts of cruelty on these animals. The towns' government is guilty of malicious indifference and complicity in condoning the sick behavior and atrocities committed in their " heritage to humanity town?" Give me a break!
This bull top and right is not dead he is "dead tired". They ran him all over the town, hoards of people chased him and them others on horse back chased him some more until it dropped. The fools standing around it were disappointed because he couldn't get up, so the would kick him, note the blood on the floor. Its' mouth was foaming as it let out a frightening squeal, bellowing as if it was crying out for help.
This bull was tied down to a post, I asked one of the persons, "por que lo amarras? Why do you tie him down? he replied "porque no quiere correr mas" he doen't want to run anymore. I asked him"crees que esto es un gran deporte para Tlacotalpan, mira como esta sangrado," Do you think this is a great sporting event for Tlacotalpan? look how he is bleeding" he replied, " si no tegusta pues no vengas" If you don't like it don't come back.
Well, he had a good point, I don't like this type of cruelty to farm animals used to plow their lands. I don't like the abuse tolerated by the local government, the mayor of the town was speaking that same evening on what a great event they hosted annually and she said that not one hair of any bull was hurt. Here is the proof, she lied. And I for one, will never be back to spend my tourist dollars in the sick cruel town of Tlacotalpan. I repeat, this town is not worthy of being a world heritage site.
Stay tuned... for a real world heritage site El tajin
i am currently in veracruz mexico, and was planning on going to this years event, but am now deciding to stay in the port..i cannot ethically give any support/money to such vulgar acts..thanks for posting this, and saving me from witnessing such horrid acts...chris k.
ReplyDeleteWTF???? This is appalling. Not that there would ever be any excuse for this, but do they give any reason why they engage in this barbarism?
ReplyDeleteWTF???? This is appalling. Not that there would ever be any excuse for this, but do they give any reason why they engage in this barbarism?